a Long time...

I haven't posted anything in a while for many reasons. None of which matter at this time. What does matter is that the baby comes 4 days a week and only 3 of the are filled with tears! That beats 4 of them! Also, it isn't all day anymore... for the most part it isn't. 

I started this entry sometime last week and again more things have changed. My sister is here recovering from Covid-19. She is staying in our camper trailer. Overall she seems to be doing well. It is much easier to check on her out there, ensure that she is getting food and drink, than having her in a hotel in California with no family around. 

Part of me feels torn between visiting with her and cleaning my own home and caring for all the critters... human or not. Yesterday I was quite tired and actually went to bed very early. Sleep eluded me at first as all the undone tasks ran in circles through my mind, eventually I was able to doze off. When I woke up all the things that delayed sleep were still there... surprise!

Okay not surprised at all. Another delay here and there and now I have things to post about. While I can find something just about daily to write about it is another thing to find time! So over the past month many things have changed around here. The barnyard flock has grown and is ready to enjoy the great outdoors. The barn is partially ready for critters. The ducks and turkeys have been moved to their new accommodations and are doing well!

Today the chicks move in with them while we continue to create the living space around them.

Last night we celebrated young Miss turning 11! We went to Chuck E Cheese and had fun with friends and family.

A good time was had by all and DH ducked out early because of pain. Which let me experience clean up and load up a bunch of littles! Hmm... I am going to revisit that pain complaint! By the time we got home everyone was tired and ready for bed.

Now it is time to put the baby chickens out in the shed. Hope to have a bird free house by this evening and get on with the next phase of life with ducks and chickens and turkeys!
And here's to fruit roll up tatoos! 


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