Birthdays, Forgetfulness and more birthdays

This month brings more birthdays than most for our family. A great-aunt, a sister, a brother, a nephew, two grandkids, not to mention countless friends... oh yes then there is that grown child who resents being forgotten on his special day. Good job DH for making us look neglectful!

Happy partygoers...sort of.

Lots of food for all.

Really, that is a smile.

Grampa and his little angel.

Too bad that party came after the forgotten birthday. There is still time in the month to remember the balance of birthdays! DH blamed his age and the fact that I didn't remind him... it is lonely here under the bus.

All said and done I will overcome the tread marks and the tables will turn ;)

disclosure: this post among other things, was placed on the back burner, then someone or something shut the stove off. The blog has been abandoned for a few weeks now so this post is old.


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