jail break and baby goats that go to bed without being told to

 Today was another busy day. My dear friend that is dealing with her husband having a hemorrhagic stroke is now also dealing with vertigo and other issues for herself. I took her walkers that she had loaned DH back to her today as she is needing them for balance. When it rains for her, it pours. Along with both of these issues her great-granddaughter broke her ankle while the family was celebrating the birthday of another grandchild. He would have been 21 yesterday so they all gathered at his graveside in remembrance.

As I pulled up to her home my

youngest called crying that she had been bit by something. So I dropped the walkers on the porch and headed home as quickly as I could. It turned out to be a scrape from from climbing into an old boat to gather chicken eggs. Dad did not show the correct level of empathy so it was time to call mom.

Before dropping the walkers off I attempted to gather a few groceries that were on my list from a mini Walmart, however the shelves were pretty bare. Shopping is getting more challenging each day.

(this post was written ,but not posted before google closed all my accounts, including email it took this long to recover it. 

No explanation except that I was too young and I needed to prove my age... hello the fact that I couldn't upload ID without help should prove I am old enough to have an account!! I had my grandchild assist me 😕 )


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