April Showers... Bring a lack of blogging

 In April so much went on that I put the blog on hold. I will give an update for each month in a Reader's Digest version. Only the most outstanding events of the month will be shared in this update. 

And so, it goes...

While I would love to have some showers there are many good reasons in my yard not to. First would be the stacks of cement mix bags that were delivered a few years ago in an attempt to fence the yard perimeter. Although I was excited at the prospect at first the novelty has worn off. Now I think just having a regular fence would be fine. Not much grows in this area and attempts amend the soil have not been very successful. 

The idea of container gardening has been the plan for this season, but the method of containers is not decided. It seems we disagree not only on design, but on location as well. Before the fire we had water to several locations on the property via hydrant. Now we do not. This lazy person is against hauling hoses or buckets out to the old greenhouse or even further to the garden.

Until that decision is agreed on the garden remains inside. The weather has yet to cooperate anyway so there is no loss... yet. This weekend was the Men's retreat at church, I had many big plans to clean and rearrange things while they were gone. Life took over and none of my great plans came to fruition. This week will be no less demanding timewise. My granddaughter has gone to NC to visit her aunt who is having a baby on May 1st. While she is gone, I will be babysitting my youngest granddaughter. She is three now so maybe she will not cry the whole day...maybe.

April was turn into a teenager month...

Her birthday request was to dye her hair

It turned out cute! 

She was very happy with it.

At the end of April, the last Saturday, I drove my granddaughter to DIA so that she could go to her aunt's house, on her dad's side, to attend the birth of her cousin. 

May came in with a bang! On the first day we celebrated the birth of the expected baby and the 6th birthday of my friend's little girl.
My shopping helpers

Cupcakes to replace the messed-up cake

The messed-up cake

Originally my friend, also known as AW, ordered Minnie Mouse cupcakes, we went to pick them up and the store had made Minecraft cupcakes instead. So, I ran off to the other side of town to get the ordered cake only to find that it was made in the wrong size. There I found the cupcakes pre-made, for $15 that she had ordered for $30. The cupcakes were for the school and the cake for the party at home. In the end they remade the Minecraft cupcakes into the ones they were supposed to be and dropped the price to $12 and gave her an extra dozen. The cake that was made half the size ordered, was reduced to $5. I bought the extra cupcakes as I had no idea, they had remade the first ones.

I fell on the second day; the ER should have offered a frequent flyer card for the all the miles racked up since February, April and now May. But alas, they didn't. On the 3rd we went to the care center to celebrate SIL's 64th birthday her talking or listening to family

May was busy in the sense of running and visiting and trying to get things done. And watching my black eye progress to a really impressive shiner. There were several trips to the airport to drop people off or pick people up. I made a few trips to Denver to take neighbors to medical appointments. As time flies past me the memories of the month fade and that is probably a good thing. One day my chickens were happily pecking in the yard...
Then while we were gone to town a neighbor's dogs rocked our world in a horrible way...

We got the MH ready to sell

It was fun while it lasted

But it is time to say good-bye

This month also begins the 6-week stretch of holidays and birthdays. I took the girls to the National Cemetery for Memorial Day. We don't know anyone in particular there, but I wanted them to understand the significance of the holiday aside from picnics and barbecues.
They had many questions

To my surprise they were very respectful

June is a month full of birthdays for us and also an expensive death. 
The expensive toy is DOSOR

It may have caught wind that its time was near

Perhaps it sensed that we were done and did not want to be sold... who knows. $500+ for a tow truck and 8 tenths of a mile later and it was home.
And here it sits

For who knows how long

It is now much later in June, and I will post this little bit of info and start another post where this one ends. I apologize for being "absent" for so long. 


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