July is almost over

It is the weekend and I have much to do. The youngest and I walked outside with the littlest dog, I quickly noticed the amount of stuff that needs to go away. The not so fun part of this is trying to find a wagon without a flat tire. More often than not I get to the wagon once it is flat. Today was no different. It looked fine but pulled heavy, it was not a wagon that I have ever used, I don't even know when it arrived on the property. I filled it with a few things and pulled with all I had for energy and strength. One load was all I could manage with that wagon. Once loaded it became apparent that the wheels were flat, not all of them but two were. Still, that makes it hard to roll. One load to the dumpster and one load to the shed. A mattress half stripped its covering is the other project we worked on. You cannot throw a mattress in the trash. You can throw a disassembled mattress in the trash. Makes me wonder... I did not wonder for long. Why you ask? Or maybe you didn't a...