Again with the Monday thing...

 It shows up once a week at this time. Monday morning that is. When I work 2-10 the night before it seems even earlier that it shows up the next day. That was the longest weekend of my year so far. It is cold and dreary outside as if Summer is over. I am not complaining about the coolness as it is nicer to have a cool breeze as opposed to a scorcher. If anything, I am complaining about a lack of sleep for the moment.

It is now almost the end of the week and a few more boxes are packed, and the stress level is lower. The focus on which house to sell has changed. Our realtor checked some stuff and advised us to work on the house out east as opposed to the house in town. So that was a relief to my son who occupies that home. I won't lie, I was relieved also. The thought of moving all the stuff stored there out to this house or trying to dispose of it was overwhelming.

Now the focus is decluttering this yard and emptying the house of the contents. That alone is no small task. It will take a minimum of 3 months to clear the house of personal belongings and furniture. And at least that long for the yard if not more.

It is finally the weekend, and I am ready for a break that I know is nowhere in sight. Tomorrow is the Men's breakfast at church, so there will be early morning baking to do. Yesterday, I only packed two boxes. As I was packing, I wondered if I shouldn't just have a yard sale open the house sell whatever sells... then pack up the difference!

I told my neighbor that I am packing up whether we move or not. Then if we don't, I will inventory what is packed and get rid of what isn't needed. While I have been working on the paperwork for the next house every day, I have consistently run into issues with the website. The seller is getting anxious, and I don't blame her, but closing isn't scheduled until the end of July anyway.

In the meantime, I have an 11-year-old that won't let up on having another dog. When I say won't let up, I am referring to waking between 0400 and 0500 and asking to go to an animal shelter, looking up dogs online, and whining consistently throughout the day until she finally falls asleep. The tactic has not worked for her, yet she continues to the point I want to lock myself in the attic for a little quiet. If there were a bathroom up there I would!

Early Sunday I weeded

On Monday took the granddaughter and cat here

Monday evening this kiddo spent the night

Her first sleepover ever

Having an attic swing helped. She enjoyed that I think the most. Tonight, the older granddaughter comes to take care of her cat. 

And so, begins my weekend...


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