July is almost over

 It is the weekend and I have much to do. The youngest and I walked outside with the littlest dog, I quickly noticed the amount of stuff that needs to go away. The not so fun part of this is trying to find a wagon without a flat tire. More often than not I get to the wagon once it is flat. Today was no different. It looked fine but pulled heavy, it was not a wagon that I have ever used, I don't even know when it arrived on the property. I filled it with a few things and pulled with all I had for energy and strength.

One load was all I could manage with that wagon. Once loaded it became apparent that the wheels were flat, not all of them but two were. Still, that makes it hard to roll. One load to the dumpster and one load to the shed. A mattress half stripped its covering is the other project we worked on. You cannot throw a mattress in the trash. You can throw a disassembled mattress in the trash. Makes me wonder...

I did not wonder for long. Why you ask? Or maybe you didn't ask, but here is why... I had asked my daughter if she could lend a hand this weekend with organizing. I did not hear back from her, so I just thought it was a no-go this weekend. That was okay by me as I was tired anyway. Turns out she was too, but just as I had decided that I would lay down and rest she arrived. Not alone either. Nope her and three kids. She also brought six empty boxes with her. So, we packed those up and then developed a plan for tackling the house.

Here is the revised plan... forget moving. That's it. Just let it all go by the wayside for now. In the meantime, I have retrieved more boxes from town and packed up more stuff than I thought possible. I actually had a response from the ad I placed, and someone needs what I want to get rid of unlike the last time where I waited and waited, this person did show up! Regardless of whether we move or not this stuff needs to go. 

It is the first day of VBS tonight and the kids are excited to go. The neighbor has new puppies, and they are excited for that too. No, I do not want a new puppy, nor do I want either of the kittens she is offering up. I do want to finish up the laundry and pack a few more boxes today. I know the alternative I offered up was to not move, I still need to pack up the house and try to wash walls and maybe paint either way.

At the end of each night there are games

It was a lot of fun

Flash forward, it is the weekend again, only two weeks after the start of this post. Much has happened. The home inspection has been done, the appraisal is completed, the pest inspection done and oh wait the appraisal says the property does not meet minimum VA requirements. What the heck does that mean? There are no notes in the report that indicate why it did not meet the minimum requirements. So, more delays, perhaps that no moving plan isn't all that bad...

We have had plenty of rain, although I doubt that we are out of a drought in the long run. This is Colorado after all. Now to continue the packing and getting the yard in order. The dumpster should be full this week just from general trash and yard stuff. Still no signs of my license or ID card. Totally weird IMHO.  Something that happened today was totally weird also.

The little birds came to the window

they sat peering in as if they had something to say

not sure why but they did not budge

This windowsill is very dusty, perhaps they were annoyed with the dirt. Or maybe these sweet little birds are ticked off that we moved the camping trailer to a new location and removed a nest that had been built in the oven fan assembly. Who knows the real reason they are peering into the window today. They just are.

There was property listed on the internet in Canon City, that is a place that DH would consider moving to. It would not be a warmer place as the altitude is a bit higher. Nor would it encourage fruit trees and such. There was no real "home" on it, although there is a well and solar. The luck we have had with solar has been less than stellar. Speaking of solar, it seems that if we move, we are taking the assembly with us now. That made sense in a way. 

The only reason it did not make sense was that we have not sold this house, we have not even entered into a contract with a realtor to sell this house. We plan to pay the solar off, but I am not sure if the company will move it once it is paid off. They say if it needs to be moved then they will move it. Time will tell. They are due out on Monday to fix it.

Yesterday the seller stated she would be fixing or replacing what needed to be replaced that takes the negative about the house out of the equation for us. Now comes all the hard work. Packing, moving, selling this place and then getting settled in an entirely new area. I don't look forward to the work of it all. Finding new doctors and therapists for all the special needs we have.

Add to all that the rain this year has kept everything green and pretty for much longer than normal. Makes it seem like a nice place to live, until 5,000 mosquitoes land on you. Somehow, we missed the county fair this year. When the kids figure it out, I am not sure I want to be in the same county much less the same state!

It really is the end of the month now, so I am going to close this post out this morning and wait for August to arrive. The annual church picnic was a lot of fun and only one injury for me to attend to while I was there. That made me happy, not the injury, just only having one! Luckily a medic brought his bag to the event. Since I did not drive the minivan, I did not have any supplies.

A group of about 6 or 7 chose to get baptized at the picnic. The horse trough was ready! My 13-year-old was second in line. The video probably won't load. It was cool. See you next month!


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