Taking time...
Saturday, I resolved to take the time to move the guinea pigs and the baby chicks out of my daughter's room. I know who keeps chicks in the bedroom right? Apparently, we do. Not anymore. I did get the target room whittled down to the normal bedroom items. The closet still needs to be cleaned and toys relocated. Overall, I was happy to get done what I did.
After moving the cleaned cages for the Guinea pigs to the upstairs my youngest decided she would like her horse table moved up there too. Be still my heart. I returned to the scene of the crime that resulted in my shoulder injury and started removing things that could actually go into the sewing cabin. Tomorrow, I work but I will find time to tidy a spot for her on Monday. AW wants me to run her to Costco and the Commissary. Also, my granddaughter needs a ride to the vet for her kitty cat to get a checkup. So, Monday may not be the best day to try and get stuff done. Regardless one day this week the child's table is moving upstairs!
I will continue packing things away to move and relocating all I can to the sewing shed. then comes the dilemma of deciding to really move. I have to now even if we do not move. Why you ask? I have moved so many things into the living room that I can barely make a path through it all. Now it is time to sweep out the bathtub and bathe a dog.... again... don't ask.
Years ago, we collected tires in the hopes of using them to build something. Of course, after collecting them, we disagreed on what to use them for. Once, for about five minutes, we agreed to use them for the same project. Then at that point we could not agree on the process. Yesterday, I listed them as available for free to anyone else. Perhaps I should have listed them as a marriage enrichment challenge...
All the busy parts of the day aside I took off to go deliver some things to my son, I went alone. I tried to call six different people who have been calling me. No one answered. I turned on the radio for just a brief moment... I realized I enjoyed the silence more and turned it off. There were a few inquiries for the tires, as of yet no pick-ups.
Picking up a shift once in a while helps keep me grounded, sadly it helped me find the ground in the closet when I got home. I was disappointed in myself, for 2 months I have managed to stay upright. Two months to the day. Yes, I have had many near misses, okay every day seems to bring a near miss. Somehow, I have managed to not make contact with the floor until Sunday night.
I enjoy the yard here when it is greened up for the Spring. Otherwise, the yard is full of weeds and cacti.
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