
Tonight, I began to wonder, when did we decide we needed to move? As the remodel progresses, I see more and more things that we do not need. I also see things we need to do to make this house livable for us or anyone else. The carpet should be replaced, and it would not hurt my feelings at all. I am pretty sure it goes along with another season of low to no decent rainfall and the inability to have a garden.

I can actually function today after I was informed that my friend is alive and well. The number of things that did not get done last week is impressive. I accomplished some of them this weekend but not all of them. I guess any start is better than none. 

It is Monday and we are in the final stretch for school days this year. It is all I can do to get through to the end. The travelers finished the insulation for us. We have passed the inspection part for that. We can now start the drywall part. If we do not have help that will take the longest. The travelers are willing to help for a while. They probably will not be able to stay for the whole time it takes but any help is appreciated!

Lunches are packed and pills are passed to those that are awake. I will put them on the side table for he who isn't. In about 20 minutes we will head to town for school drop off.

Let the day begin the kids are at the schoolhouse and the laundry and showers are at hand. I will move stuff to the basement today so the living room is cleared out and the craziness can be hidden. That job is finished for the most part.

And I probably should have posted that before the day ended we received documents that continue the drama of the first house DH picked out in Oklahoma. 

It is Tuesday and everyone slept in till 6:00 well after the 2:00 a.m. wake up that is. I didn't rush the kids as much as normal but we did make it to school on time and the cameras revealed SIL getting up and wandering about the house while I was gone. Tried to alert those who were still there no one answered their phones so my youngest continued to watch her on the cameras until we got to the school. At that point it was my turn I pulled over watched for a few minutes and noticed DH got out of bed and had her sit down on the couch my plans to go to the feed store were squashed. As I needed to get back home and tend to her.

The rest of the morning has been spent cooking food, printing paperwork, and carrying drywall sheets to the Attic. Luckily they are cut in half but instead of 30 trips that means 60. 

The son-in-law and the grandson are such good motivation. Knowing we have the help is awesome! Knowing it isn't going to last forever is motivating!!


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