So after working my 2 shifts I thought I would check in and see if any of my invites were accepted... not yet so I will guess that my group idea doesn't really appeal to my friends. Point taken. Talking about what happens to you with this exciting and sometimes crazy stage of life does help. Most of the women that I have run into have not discussed this openly. Once the conversation is initiated by me sharing some really annoying side effect the comments come pouring out! It is getting the conversation started that seems to be really hard for the women I have met.

Guess what if we live long enough we will experience this phase of life! We can chose to sit on the sidelines and have no control or we can attack the event and take over (to a degree that is). But even choosing to sit on the sidelines we will not be watching from the outside, we will be swept up in the changes and quite possibly panic over what is happening to us.

A few years back I was working the night shift at a nursing home and one of the CNA's (certified nursing assistant) had started in her journey through this phase of life (and it is a journey!). Normally a jovial worker content to meet the needs of others she started becoming short-tempered. That was the first emotional change I noticed. The first physical change was when she started "melting" in the middle of a cold January night. Here I was freezing and she had sweat dripping from her head! And then she opened the windows in the dining room! It was snowing for goodness sake... inside! Blowing in the window! And she wanted the swamp coolers turned on!!!

I gave in and turned on the coolers...and put my coat on... she begged what else could I do? After she finished with "rounds" she let me turn the coolers off. But even then she shared very little with the three of us women who were on the floor working with her. No late night talk about what she was going through or what we would also go through, not even a "just you wait your time will come". It was then I thought holy cow I think she is in menopause! I did not let the thought escape my mouth. Perhaps I thought if it did then surely it would happen to me sooner rather than later... much later I had hoped.

Now six years later it is me... although in retrospect I think I had started the journey back then I just had no idea where I was at in this journey. I don't plan to go alone on this walk either, I am taking whoever will listen with me!!

This actually leads into my beginning post about "procrastination". I was an ametuer when my co-worker melted before my eyes... now I can put off with the big leaguers. I can even put off blogging... afterall it has been 2 days since I made a post and voiced to the reading world that I in fact am "menopausal". Hmmm that wore me out I think i will go take a nap...


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