Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?

Okay I am in my fifties and I just returned from the store and I trip on a plastic baseball bat in my kitchen floor.... hello? What happened to the "empty nest" stage of life? Oh yeah the economy. It does look pretty bleak for many and I must add I too am constantly looking at ways to cut back and use less. For myself I have found the only thing I can really do to save on spending is not go to the store. Seriously, if I go I seem to spend money on something that wasn't planned on whether or not I bring a list. And lists are something I make almost on a daily basis. (It helps me keep up with my procrastination program).

Ever since this wonderful stage of life began my short-term memory went out of state! It seems I can only get to this blog page by bookmarking it and then every couple of days I remember there was something I wanted to share. As for today some funny things happened, things you just have to take in stride.

My five year old granddaughter informed me that she is running away and she is not even coming home for her birthday. Of course I had to play along and ask why. It seems she and her brother misbehaved while they were in the fabric store with mommy. At the risk of being too nosey I asked if we could re-visit the "crime scene", virtually of course (like most things these days). As mommy recounted the tale of two pre-schoolers finding a row of kitchen timers that made a "buzzing" sound when they went off, and their fascination with that wonderful noise; I tried to remember crimes committed by the speaker at that same age.... alas she was the "goody two shoes" of my brood so there were no "pearls of wisdom" to share. It seems the elder of the two vandals decided that the younger should learn how to wind the timers too. As she gleefully instructed her cohort in the art of turning them on and then "hurrying" them along so they would buzz quicker she completely ignored her mother's threats of no visit to "playland" at McDonald's.

A quick swat of the bottoms and there were two screaming preschoolers in the gadget aisle. Unfortunately for them my daughter is not easily embarrassed by children throwing temper tantrums. (It seems their father cured her of that in the first few years of their marriage). Add to that the threat of no visit to Ronald's house for a month and you have good reason to run away if you are five years old of course. If you are three years old the thought of no mommy and no birthday must be too much because her partner in crime "jumped ship" and decided he was going to be good. And at every pause in the conversation whispered to me "I bein' dood dramma".

Our discussion lasted for a good half an hour and we let her know we would miss her and that the holidays would not be the same without her (actually they would probably be VERY quiet). She rolled her eyes when I asked how she learned about running away, as if I must be the dumbest gramma around she stated "I figured it out by myself and I am not coming home for any holidays either". Now that did take me by surprise I did not realize she really had any conception of what holidays were except on the particular day of one. Not wanting to look "dumbest" I asked her brother if he would mind getting some of her gifts since she would not be there and he said "I bein' dood dramma" and he was.

About that time mommy had lunch ready and Aunt Mary had arrived on the scene. Aunt Mary can do no wrong in her niece's eyes so when she was back talking mommy one word from that special person and the future runaway was soon telling mommy how sorry she was! That was when I realized it would be "Barbie" that I tripped on next!


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