
Showing posts from July, 2014

Confessions of hoarder....

Well early this morning I stated I was one box away from being a hoarder, but after cleaning out that closet in the entry way... I think I am officially there.  It has been a few days since I wrote that first line and the rest of this week will be spent figuring out which room to tackle next.  I have been able to keep the entry way picked up and walkable but the kitchen has gone to pot.  I am hoping to get it tackled this next three days off but with the baby taking the first day of babysitting to get used to gramma's house after four days away it isn't likely. I am still trying to figure out how to get rid of stuff and it is not easy for me. It is actually overwhelming just to look at all of it.  On a different note my paternal grandmother committed suicide when I was very young... I often wonder if she was a hoarder.

why would you want to keep a 4 year old up til midnight?

Personally I don't want to but she has an EEG in the morning and they want her up til then and back up at 4am !! Crazy but true. So she is still up and a bit wired on mountain dew... three "sips" and she would have more if she had her way! As she staggers around the house I struggle not to laugh... it would be rude lol.  Well I am about to go help her find a coloring book..Now we sit here at the table waiting for midnight. I took the night off of work so that I could be here with her and also maybe get some ideas on how to work at home with all these people underfoot.  Along with our two little ones my daughter and her husband and two kids live with us.  My other daughter who has an infant used to stay with us while she and her other half were looking for a place to rent. She stayed on the days her sister was to babysit and then returned to his mother's house on his days off so he could babysit. Now that they have found a place to live and my older daughter ha...

180's and preschoolers

I have neglected this blog for a bit...not really on purpose it just seems that the hurrier I go the behinder I get! Between working full time and trying to share babysitting with my adult daughter there is very little time for anything else. I can't beat myself up over it because then there wouldn't be anybody to do the dishes! A sad but true commentary on the reality of my life! But change can start with me... We had a follow up appointment with the "autism" doctor and got a diagnosis...and some medication.   I thought I was going crazy this last month. Dear 4 year old was out of control 45 minutes of every hour while awake and waking at weird hours wanting to eat or watch a movie or whatever.  The only time it seemed she had any calmness about her was when we were traveling... odd in my opinion for a kid with autism. Using the cell phone I was able to video some of her meltdowns to share with her doctor.  Pretty much I was to the point that one of us leav...
Good Morning I said to my two year old at 0630 this morning....and why are you up so early? I tried to hold her back on getting up by giving her my cell phone to play with... no luck so up we get and make oatmeal with whipped cream on top.  That seems to be a toddler favorite around here. Today I tackle the entry way closet and try to make something look presentable on the first floor.  It is a disaster to say the least I am one box short being labeled a hoarder. I wish I was kidding but who in their right mind has ten strollers?  Granted some of them belong to grandchildren but not that many! I jokingly said I was going to have a stroller sale on the side of the road to get rid of some... I have already given away 3 that I can think of.   Unfortunately that is not the only thing I have too many of... food processors number at least four but I did give away my Ninja system... that just did not live up to it's claims. Well off I go to get something done!

Why are there nurses who just don't show up to work?

I remember years ago when I got my first job at the age of 15 being afraid not to go to work when I was scheduled.  Of course part of that was probably because I was in a co op program at school and it was part of my grade to go... And then later when my life began to rotate around my friends I became quite unreliable.  Perhaps didn't become reliable until I joined the Army and was forced to "go to work" each day lol! Of all the experiences working I do think that was the best value for my time! Last night was particularly annoying as there was an agency nurse scheduled to relieve me and she never showed.  I called the agency and they feigned concern and then called and asked if we could use a Qmap instead... long story short I was told we could.  The agency called back and said they had a CNA and they were trying to check her credentials to see if she was Qmapped... so I suggested they just ask her... a few minutes later I got the call she would be in in an hour co...