why would you want to keep a 4 year old up til midnight?

Personally I don't want to but she has an EEG in the morning and they want her up til then and back up at 4am !! Crazy but true. So she is still up and a bit wired on mountain dew... three "sips" and she would have more if she had her way! As she staggers around the house I struggle not to laugh... it would be rude lol.  Well I am about to go help her find a coloring book..Now we sit here at the table waiting for midnight.

I took the night off of work so that I could be here with her and also maybe get some ideas on how to work at home with all these people underfoot.  Along with our two little ones my daughter and her husband and two kids live with us.  My other daughter who has an infant used to stay with us while she and her other half were looking for a place to rent. She stayed on the days her sister was to babysit and then returned to his mother's house on his days off so he could babysit. Now that they have found a place to live and my older daughter has found a job... I trade babysitting with the younger daughter two for one... for every two hours I sit with 11 month old I get one hour away from both of mine. Well better get this published...


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