180's and preschoolers

I have neglected this blog for a bit...not really on purpose it just seems that the hurrier I go the behinder I get! Between working full time and trying to share babysitting with my adult daughter there is very little time for anything else.

I can't beat myself up over it because then there wouldn't be anybody to do the dishes! A sad but true commentary on the reality of my life! But change can start with me...

We had a follow up appointment with the "autism" doctor and got a diagnosis...and some medication.   I thought I was going crazy this last month. Dear 4 year old was out of control 45 minutes of every hour while awake and waking at weird hours wanting to eat or watch a movie or whatever.  The only time it seemed she had any calmness about her was when we were traveling... odd in my opinion for a kid with autism. Using the cell phone I was able to video some of her meltdowns to share with her doctor.  Pretty much I was to the point that one of us leaving with medication her or me and I didn't really care which one of us got the meds... but somebody was getting meds!

Being a nurse I am familiar with the med she given and hence my hesitation in wanting to start it. So I held off til the next morning and then went ahead and gave her the first dose... She had also been prescribed Omega-3's but as yet I have been unable to find one that I can get into to her.  The provider had recommended a brand called "Might-a-mins".  I purchased a bottle and just like the other 5 brands we have tried she just won't swallow once it is in her mouth.  She can't tolerate the gummi version, nor the liquids emulsified or not. So if anybody out there has any ideas I am all ears.

I digress though, I had to work that afternoon so giving her the med and then leaving was not how I wanted to start this journey but one must do what one must do.  About two hours into my shift I called to check on D4YO...and to my surprise my daughter reported that she was doing great! No defiance, no meltdowns and she had not hit anyone....yet., there were still 3 hours til bedtime to go.  At 1800 dad takes over and he reports all is calm and both girls are in bed before 2000.

Next morning the sweetest little girl got up out of my daughter's bed and used the potty, ate her breakfast, did not hurt her baby sister, did not yell and said please and thank you. I can hardly believe it.  Now this morning wasn't as calm but still a far cry from the meltdowns, and drama that we are used to. My older daughter takes care of the nursery at church and reported that she did have some difficulty but no screaming or hitting.  (usually I can hear her scream from the nursery while we are singing in the sanctuary). 

I sing Praise to God on High for giving this doctor to us.!


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