Confessions of hoarder....

Well early this morning I stated I was one box away from being a hoarder, but after cleaning out that closet in the entry way... I think I am officially there.  It has been a few days since I wrote that first line and the rest of this week will be spent figuring out which room to tackle next.  I have been able to keep the entry way picked up and walkable but the kitchen has gone to pot.  I am hoping to get it tackled this next three days off but with the baby taking the first day of babysitting to get used to gramma's house after four days away it isn't likely.

I am still trying to figure out how to get rid of stuff and it is not easy for me. It is actually overwhelming just to look at all of it.  On a different note my paternal grandmother committed suicide when I was very young... I often wonder if she was a hoarder.


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