Why are there nurses who just don't show up to work?

I remember years ago when I got my first job at the age of 15 being afraid not to go to work when I was scheduled.  Of course part of that was probably because I was in a co op program at school and it was part of my grade to go... And then later when my life began to rotate around my friends I became quite unreliable.  Perhaps didn't become reliable until I joined the Army and was forced to "go to work" each day lol! Of all the experiences working I do think that was the best value for my time!
Last night was particularly annoying as there was an agency nurse scheduled to relieve me and she never showed.  I called the agency and they feigned concern and then called and asked if we could use a Qmap instead... long story short I was told we could.  The agency called back and said they had a CNA and they were trying to check her credentials to see if she was Qmapped... so I suggested they just ask her... a few minutes later I got the call she would be in in an hour cool that was 2230... at 0200 I called the agency and they said oh yes she was on her way but she had needed a quick nap and would be there in 20 minutes... at 0300 I went to the first floor and asked one of the nurses to count the narcs with me and hold the keys until the day nurse arrived around six. I left the building around 0330... The person never showed and the agency never called back.

I just checked with my supervisor and apparently the Qmap showed up sometime after I left and before 0600... so much for complaining.

 So this has been a very busy summer for me... and my family.  First a late spring trip to Arkansas for a family meet up.  This allowed my parents to see Lily in person for the first time since I went to get her at 6 weeks old.  My mom had been her caregiver from 4 days of age until I took her at 6 weeks.  They were excited to see her and how she has grown and we were glad to see them.  Since our last trip was so rushed, basically fly in pick up baby, sign papers and leave in three days total.
 Lily's biological sister was there too.  She is 5 years old and really we weren't sure if she really knew that she and Lily were related and I guess we still don't for sure.  No one in our family has brought it up to her but she was playing with Lily and Peyton (our other little one) and Peyton wouldn't share something with Lily and Chloe stepped up and told her in no uncertain terms to be "nice to my baby sister".

The family dynamics for all of these little girls is so tangled someday when they ask we will have to have a road map to match up all the family ties! We had a good visit at that time and a long drive home!  Then after a few weeks of working full time and trying to catch up on all the stuff left unattended.. we left for Montana to see Gary's family.  That was the first time since getting the girls that he and I had attempted a "long" trip with just the four of us.  It was a challenge to get out of the state we live in, but after we got going it went fairly smooth. As soon as I find my camera I will post a few pictures.

Well both girls are down for naps and this (minus working half of the night shift) is my first day off since returning from this last trip so I will close and get busy around here... Thanks for stopping by!


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