Good Morning I said to my two year old at 0630 this morning....and why are you up so early? I tried to hold her back on getting up by giving her my cell phone to play with... no luck so up we get and make oatmeal with whipped cream on top.  That seems to be a toddler favorite around here.

Today I tackle the entry way closet and try to make something look presentable on the first floor.  It is a disaster to say the least I am one box short being labeled a hoarder. I wish I was kidding but who in their right mind has ten strollers?  Granted some of them belong to grandchildren but not that many! I jokingly said I was going to have a stroller sale on the side of the road to get rid of some... I have already given away 3 that I can think of.
Unfortunately that is not the only thing I have too many of... food processors number at least four but I did give away my Ninja system... that just did not live up to it's claims.

Well off I go to get something done!


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