Tiredness, depression, and pain....which causes which?

Good Morning! It is still morning here.... for a few minutes. I thought I would take the time to jot a topic sentence down so that when I get to work I can really try to expand on it. I know I do not have the answers to my own question but I do know I am experiencing all of the listed items. 

People who know me just think I keep going all day and all night and for the most part I do.  Not by primary choice but definitely secondary choice. Meaning that having decided to take on more debt and more children I am forced to keep going.... That makes me tired !  But I wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's.  I think as a parent I fall into the "helicopter" parent I hover too much and need to back off.  I do get depressed when I think about all the debt I am in and all of my own doing.  That in turn makes my pain seem even more intense than what it may actually be, and worrying about debt makes me tired... so maybe the only problem is my debt...

On to more fun things!! I sit here at work reminiscing with the CNA's about bell bottoms, white uniforms and how it used to be only the people in the O.R. (surgery) got to wear scrubs.... time to change jobs cause everybody wears them now! We are training medication aides to take our places anyway so it is time to reinvent my career.  I often think I am tired because I work 4-5 days a week, but I honestly think work is where I get the most rest.  There is way less stress here than at home.
except when I can bake!
I have found that if I can take some time to create something be it bread or soup I can relax a bit before running out the door and feeling like I do nothing but work. This loaf of bread even though it is kind of ugly was a very relaxing endeavor. In fact today before I left I baked a loaf of French bread and I felt so much better going off to work.
Well tomorrow is another day and perhaps I can do something to feel good before I go to work........


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