Try, try, try again.....and other assorted musings

This morning came early today... I have no real idea when either of the girls came crawling into our bed but it was still dark outside.  Yesterday my list was short but today it was even shorter.  I made up my mind early that I would clear one counter today and I managed to get that almost all the way done before school was over for the five year old.  For some people that may only take a few minutes to an hour but for me it was done between juggling three cats three kids and six months worth of clutter..

The other day I posted about the three year old that threw beans into my butter, cracked eggs on my floor and other fun things.... well most days she just walks past the counter reaching for whatever she can get and pulls it to the floor.  My plan today was to clear the longest counter in the kitchen and to move the microwave out of her reach.  Not only did I get this task done I also got the kitchen table cleared and one load of laundry done woo hoo me!!!  She also enjoys turning on the microwave, I think just to see how fast I can run to shut it off since it is usually empty when she tries this. I moved it across the kitchen to a spot under the cabinet not easily reached without a chair. (note to self get rid of all the chairs)

I look at those sweet faces and think how do they move so fast?  They are 14 months apart and what one doesn't think of the other one does!  Today as soon as the kindergartener walked through the door she removed most of her clothing.  Not just the coat and book bag, the shoes, socks, pants and she would have continued had she not been distracted by hearing the little kids heading down the steps.  After stripping she demanded to go to McDonald's. That was the beginning of the 2 and a half hours of  dealing with making her dress herself so we could go to town.

Finally she got everything on except her shoes... It was while changing the diaper of the younger one pictured above that the other one up there insisted she was thirsty and climbed on a little chair, I handed her a plastic cup to get a drink out of bathroom faucet, focused on the child on the changing table and heard a blood curdling scream. I was sure she had hurt herself but no it was the five year old who saw it first and screamed.... little miss muffet was pouring water into the shoes that were supposed to be on someone else's feet... to make matters worse she picked up a shoe to drink out of it!

Usually I would probably give in and dressed Pepe myself but autistic or not she must obey the rules. I help dress for school on occasion but it is important that she do her daily tasks of living to make it through life when I am gone. And if she wants to go somewhere she must help get herself ready.  Even if it takes all night...

I am truly exhausted now so good night and thanks for stopping by.


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