Swim baby swim!!

Here it is the last full week of July about to start and the kids are really getting into the pool a lot!  The oldest of the young ones has taught herself to swim and can swim under the surface the complete width of the pool!  The youngest still requires a life jacket no matter what as far as I am concerned.  But she also is jumping in with the rest of them.. no fear here!

Of course it is not all the way full, but that has helped the two littlest ones adjust.

I continue to think of ways to make extra money and someday be home with the girls full time because I can be. And as many people have said getting my own website will be essential eventually.  This week my DH has to have surgery on his back, that will set construction behind about ten weeks.  We were hoping to have the pool house covered and the roofs repaired and the downstairs furnace ready for winter.  We also had redoing the henhouse on the list but that may be next spring with the greenhouse.

I will be listing lots of stuff they have outgrown on Ebay this week.  I have done this in the past without much success, but persistence may be the key. And then so is donation for stuff that won't sell like winter coats in July.

I have had two days off and well, it was such a rare thing I didn't get half of what I had planned to do done. I did cook breakfast on Saturday and dinner on Sunday but that was about it.  A couple of loads of laundry and I'm good. 

Two of my kids had driven to Michigan this past week because their Dad, who has been going through chemo therapy for cancer, was not doing great and they went to see what they could do to help. And of course to visit.  They just called to say they are back in Colorado.  That is a bit of a relief it is such a long drive and they are doing it without this controlling mama in the car with them lol. I think, rightfully, all parents worry when their kids go on road trips.

When we were first stationed here the kids missed moving around.  This was the first duty station that we really just didn't up and leave once the kids made friends.  Both my husband and I had many TDY opportunities and I received orders to go overseas twice but they were cancelled and alas here we are...still.

Well it is Monday and I have to be to work sometime today so I best get moving and make that happen sooner rather than later.

So here goes....


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