Good News, Bad News, and no news in between...

It is Sunday! Almost the last day of the month and the first day of my plan to try and change our lifestyle and attack our debts with a new vengeance.  Especially since I realized this morning when I went to make my Amazon payment I was 5 days late!  So I decided pay the entire balance off while I still have my vacation pay from my previous employer.  Thus the same theory applied to my Walmart card and it will also apply to my visa that I bought my iPad on. The phones and the utility bills are all current and now I need to apply the snowball approach to our AAFES credit cards.  Those of you who don't know, when you join Uncle Sam's forces he will extend you credit to buy things you can't afford and for those who feel guilty they will re-up so they have a steady income to buy more stuff at the Bx/Px.  This little soldier loved shopping at the Exchange and online!!

Here's an update from this week, DH had his surgery on Wednesday and things went as well as they could go for the shape his spine is in. The kicker was the lion sitting on his hamburger... yes he suffered from hallucinations... it was funny and sad at the same time.  It bought him an extra day at the hospital and made me realize we are approaching "that" age group much faster than I care to admit to!  As he got ready to leave on the last day the nurse started to remove his "jp" drain she met with a significant amount of resistance and then there was a loud "pop" of course the drain came out... well most of it anyway.  That caused a delay as they contemplated whether to go fishing for it or leave it be.  In the end they decided to leave it be and we can monitor for infection, discomfort or any other difficulties that may arise from a foreign object in your body.

Most of my days this past week consisted of driving to Denver and back again picking up kids from here and there.  Just in general doing everything that needed doing and driving an extra 200 miles a day to boot.  The house is a disaster from lack of attention and the kids are running wild from all the fun!  And the monsoon season decided to start... :( The roof was leaking in more places than I care to admit.  So spent I 30 minutes putting buckets around the house and then another 30 convincing the little ones that God was in control and knew all about daddy's surgery and the rain and the leaks.  The next day was just repeat of the previous one.  But with God's help and lots of praying friends, we got through it and he is home... resting.

Today the girls and I went to another birthday party. This one for a coworker who turned 70.  It was at a park and of course I did not take any pictures but we all had a good time and then the rain started, monsoon style!  So I took the girls and headed home to find a weird smell as I went into the house, a "hot" electric, burning plastic smell. I got the girls settled in their room and went to check the smell out.  It turned out to be an extension cord that was plugged into an outside outlet.  It was smoking and hissing at a place where there was a crack in the insulation the rain was pouring so that was a major blessing!  I pulled that plug and checked the scorch mark on the wood below it, made myself a mental note to monitor that based on our wood burning stove fire from six years ago.

Tomorrow is a new day and a new week! Thanks for stopping by!


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