I learned something new!

It has been another long week! Earlier this month DH said that the oldest son informed him that his computer was too old and that he should tell me to get him a new one.  So after considering a few options, h?e has a new computer.  This was not the best idea that the oldest son has ever had but we'll run with it.  He did not give specifics except that it had to be windows 10.  That made things a bit easier, since most everything new has it.. save the apple family.

After contemplating between Costco and AAFES I went with AAFES. Now time to set it up! This is not my strong area and not his either.  But somehow we got through the password part and then couldn't get the poor thing to do much of anything.  Frustrated he closed machine and went back to his Surface tablet that he has had at least a few years.  Oh I don't know maybe the next day, maybe the day after, he tried to finish the set up... but he could not remember his password. These are secret things so of course I don't know his password! More frustration on order, hope I can make mine a to go order... 

Well after contacting everybody I could think and I mean everybody! I gave up and decided that I would take the machine back and just go get a newer version of the Surface. Perhaps the Surface Pro, we were both familiar with how it works but he really wanted something with a disc drive so he could watch movies.  Like the 60" television he has with a sound bar isn't for watching movies... or the 48" one or the 32" one... granted they do not have sound bars but they all work just fine.

While setting up the "my book" drive that I finally found the cord to, I thought well maybe we should just try one more time... and guess what! Yay!!! Up and running just in time to leave town and forget the password again! But at least this time I will know how to fix it.  I learned a thing or two from playing GI Joe for all those years.

So when I got home this evening I smelled the strong smell of hot wires.  For the life of me I could not locate where it was coming from, but it is such a distinct smell I would know it with a blindfold on. I went room to room looking for things that were plugged in. Feeling cords, sniffing the air, sniffing things like the televisions, the lamps everything.  I guess fire scares me more than anything I run through my mind quite often what I will do to get the kids out, DH and such but I digress, I could not find the source.  I rarely tell DH when I smell these things because A) He can never smell what I smell B) I do not like the belittling that I hear when I do speak up and C) If I can't locate the source then what good does it do?

On goes the evening, I get the girls something to eat and clean up the mess they make and I realize the fish tank is not filtering.... and the smell has dissipated... THE SOURCE!!! So now I can tell DH something is wrong after I check that plug of course.  Then he says we need to plug something into the power strip to see if it is working... WHAT? Why? Um... there are already four things plugged into the power strip and none of those are working...

Problem solved and no fire... did I mention fire scares me?  Well it does and I will take all precautions to avoid it if I can.  Lots to do this week and that reminds me I need to make sure the chicken coop is ready for us to leave... the almost fire there was a near miss and I am not so sure how many of those you get in one lifetime!  It was strange that the bulb melted into a cone shape before the fire was snuffed out from the dome reflector shield as it sealed around the sand after the straw burnt away.  We saved the bulb for a long time just marveling at the blessing of not having a full fledged barn fire while we slept. Even more so because that barn is connected to the cedar fence that runs right up to the house on the east side.
 Okay so I went back through to find pictures of the very dry fence that is attached to the barn and then to the house... and I found this stinkin' cute picture of the baby!
 Gosh she seemed so tiny like she would never grow!
 This was one of the tiny diapers I made for her!
Okay back to the fence... so not the best picture but it runs on the north side of the barn back to the east side of the house.. a nice little path if a fire wanted to travel... I'm glad it didn't. That was fire number two... I think three strikes and you are out.  Oh yes and jumping on the trampoline with a sprinkler going underneath is dangerous, but oh so much fun!!!
I wish I could find a picture of that light bulb! If I do I will post it.
Well that's it for now. If I post during the week of planned travel I will. If not I'll try to take pictures to share... not sure of what.


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