Black Friday posted on small Saturday

Well Black Friday came and left and this little shopper stayed home... well at work anyway. I haven’t had any regrets about not shopping on this day since the one time I did shop on Black Friday. About 24 years ago I decided, unwisely, to darken the door of WalMart in order obtain a “deal”. It ended in a very bad way, although I did get the item that I ventured in for. Ever since that trip I really have not had the desire to join the festivities of that day. The advent of online shopping has really taken the stress out of shopping for me.

Which leads me to the day before Thanksgiving, when to my surprise a spiralizer for my kitchen aid mixer arrived in the mail! I had forgotten that I decided to order it. It was a tough decision but apparently I had decided in favor of the item.  Soon I will try it out but for now I have been using my new dicer attachment... I absolutely love it! Carrots and potatoes beware!

Since receiving these items in the mail three cupboards have been cleaned out and a donation box started for the items that have not been used in a very long time. Amazing what you find! Moving on to the week before Thanksgiving, Friday prior to be specific, myself and a caregiver were helping to move a resident from on room to another, moving furniture and such. There was a large couch that had been donated and the resident wanted it in her room...No Problem! Until my helper shoved it hard and it landed on my foot, breaking two toes. It has been 10 or so days now of walking with a little carbon plate in my shoe... very annoying. To add insult to injury the same caregiver asked for 10 days off covering Christmas... NO! Wait... YES! I do not need anymore injuries!

This concludes this post as my toes are feeling neglected... time to soak my foot :) Goodnight to all and you too, my LLL.


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