Silence is dangerous to a blog

After thoughtlessly thinking I could take a break from blogging many things happened, Now to decide whether I share them going forward from the cut off of the blog or backwards so my memory is better. Either way here's to hoping everyone had a Thanksgiving to remember in whatever way they really wanted to. Our family with it's many branches, joined at number four's house. It is a cute little ranch with a basement and very minimal furniture (keeps her tweens from bringing home more than  one friend at a time) Each family was to bring two dishes and show up. numbers 1-3 did not intend to come for one reason or another. Nor did 7 &8. Number 5 was designated to cook the turkey but it was not completely done so we carved off about half, grabbed the nuwave oven and all of our dishes for the event and headed in to drop me off at work. The plan was to let the rest gather until I could get done. On the way my staff on duty called to see when I would be arriving and I let them know I was on the way. They called back to say don't bother most  of the residents had either gone with family or were doing fine and my presence was not required. So we changed course, that never makes my DH all that happy because my work is too unpredictable. As we drove up Academy towards our destination, I saw 4 homeless men sitting on the right side of the road behind a dumpster, so I asked DH if he would want to make 4 plates and bring it back to them once we got the kids settled in a playing mode. He wasn't for that idea. He wanted to just go give them money or buy them a meal at a local buffet. We did nothing...I don't know how he feels our indecision and lack of action today but I know I don't feel great about it. Perhaps later today I'll have some enlightenment on the subject. But for now it is Black Friday and I am running late getting into work on be continued after work...


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