It's Thursday...

Being Thursday in general has absolutely no significance, other than I usually do not have to babysit. Today is no different. I do plan to do yard work and plant a variety of beans and squash today. There is still a need for a fence on the east side of the chicken house and chicken wire over the top of all of it. Too many predator birds out here to not have a top IMHO. Although having a small yard to start without a top would probably be okay. There are 5 peach trees waiting for their place in the yard I am really torn about where they should go. I easily would like them along the north fence for protection from the wind while they are small and for snow in the winter to keep them moist. But in the past they have done well in the south of the house position they held for 15 years. Decisions, decisions. I think I will go with the north fence and hope for the best. Raspberries and blackberries are going to stay in pots for this season as, again I don't know where I want to put them. ...