Last of the critters are in the barn...

 The last of the critters have been moved to the barn. Even the lame duck is out there now. During the moving process we discovered how good the 8 year old is at catching chickens! After getting them all settled and letting the lame duck have the biggest pen in the basement, we decided that perhaps we should let that one get some sunshine. I took the fat bugger outside and set him/her in the sun. Since the poor thing can only hobble on one and half legs I am pretty sure it will stick around.

Henny Penny and her crew!
Turkey Lurkey and Company

Sunflower by the pink bowl

This will be its' third night out with the rest of the flock. Sunflower is what the kids have changed the name to. So sunflower it is. Sunflower sits against the side of the turkey and duck pen most of the day. Occasionally I see the duck sitting in the pathway of the pens but still against the side of the same pen.

My sister suggested we give it a trial putting it back in with the others while we are close by to rescue if needed. So far we have been too far and too busy to do that. Today we, well really she, got some of the plants repotted and the potato bags started. Then the weather changed and we had to come inside to avoid lightning. The wind is picking up again.

Tomorrow is going to be cold. We should have put the plants in the greenhouse. I plan to have a few choice words for that groundhog next year. 

It wasn't quite as cold as had been expected today and yesterday I moved the plants all inside the green house for safekeeping. I also gave the lame duck a trial in the pen with its' buddies. With friends like those the duck needs no enemies! Within minutes intervention was on the plate. Sunflower will remain outside looking in.

Today the youngest visited the eye doctor and will need follow up surgery this summer. We restarted the patching routine and will do an hour a day until July. We will then revisit the thought of surgery.

After our visit the youngest and I went to a new store in town called Scheels. As you can see we found something to buy! Oh boy they have a Ferris wheel in the store! We did not ride it today but we will go back to ride it in the future! Wish I had gotten a picture of it but alas I did not.



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