PRN.. Should I or Shouldn't I?

Staying home with the kiddos has been fun... but challenging! All the blogs that show perfect homes and smiling kiddos can depress a person. Not one day of the week is my home picture perfect, nor are my kids smiling 24/7. I can't even make one counter picture perfect for a full day!
I am pretty sure I am subscribed to every organizational blog that exists. Try as I might, I don't stick to any of them. Add extra visitors to that and animals that need attention and the first thing to go to the wayside is cleaning.
There is constant noise in the home. Either kiddos, animals or guests. It is a joyful noise, most days. Then on the rest it is not so joyful!

(the above portion was written pre-California trip)

Now that I am home from going to Aunt Millie's, I am more motivated to get the house in order so that she can come here for enough time to get her home in order. I enjoyed my time visiting when and were we could but there was much work to be done. The garage is cleaned out of unneeded items. Furniture was donated and 250 paperback books were donated. All furniture was moved from the main living room into the formal living room.
 100 years 9 months and 15 days young! Aunt Millie at her home.

Drapes were taken down. The guest bathroom is taken apart to put up new wall board and put in a shower. My cousin's husband is putting that in. New fixtures were installed. It should be super cute when done!
This sign is so appropriate if you wake the caregiver! She gets cranky without food! The trip to get there was pretty fast considering. The trip home was faster until we decided to take the 15 minute difference route. That turned into a 5 hour delay through a very winding, steep mountain pass, Monarch Pass to be specific. It was so foggy and cold to boot! Never again! Nope, nope and nope!

The most fun part of the trip was finding Uncle Jack's paperwork from the Army. Our cousin had been looking for his original discharge paperwork and had not been able to find it. That was found and more! It's funny, the amount of paperwork that was there from the 40's to the 70's was less than most people have for one year. They really only saved what was important. She just didn't know where it was stored.
We found two of these "Letter on a Record" recordings that Uncle Jack had sent her. Of course we had to play them for her, that meant finding a record player. When we did the recording was clear as day! Okay, it did depress her a bit since she is almost a 101 and has been without him since 1981. Overall it was nice to know she still recognized his voice and was actually able to tell us about when he sent them. Are the stories accurate? Who knows and who cares!

The time to go home came too soon and it was hard to say good bye even though it is only for a month. Once the floor is torn out and the painting starts we will be needed to help move furniture to the garage and to bring Aunt Millie to Colorado to stay while other renovations are done. I am excited that she will coming here and she voiced that she is too! Of course she won't want to go or remember that she agreed to it but it has to happen regardless. 

In the meantime we will get this house ready for an extra guest and ready for the next season of life...


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