The aftermath of chaos in the henhouse

 Good Morning. I wish my greeting could be more enthusiastic but after last night, well let's just say I am wary of what today may hold for me! Up at 0530 this morning to get the day started. It was nice to sleep in a bit. We are taking another day before hitting the academics again. More for me than for them.

I went outside at 0630 to let all the animals start grazing only to find the barn door wide open. This little incident made me glad that Congress was in with the rest of the ducks. Nothing seemed a miss so time to get on with the day.

Summer and winter squash were planted two days ago minus the zucchini. I plan to get to that today... We will see what happens. Breakfast and then laundry and kitchen chores will eat up much of the morning for me. Perhaps I can plant seeds too.

So much for organization! Well I am going to get this posted and perhaps I will have a sequel later... perhaps.

Or perhaps I will find myself upside down like this big guy...


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