No spaghetti sauce?!?!

How in the first week of the new year can I be out of canned spaghetti sauce?! It is a standby in this house...I used to make my own but that has been years ago.  However, it may be time to start again. Canned sauce is relatively inexpensive so I fall back on it for so many things and then when I am out I think holy canolli!
Another day eating something other than what had been planned...hmmm not sure if that is a violation of resolution or not..  I worked late and the kids will probably not last long enough for me to cook a while chicken on the rotisserie.

So spaghetti two nights in a row for the kids, chicken finally got done and the stew is in the crock for another dinner that should do us for a week. I really need to get on track with debt pay down. I will rejoice when I can choose to work outside the home as opposed to bring a slave to debt. My daughter opened an etsy shop after visiting a prominent doll store with her two young children. She said the initial shock of the  price of doll clothing made her realize that she could easily make nice clothing for the dolls they already have and make extras to sell. So as soon as I figure out how to post a link I will do that! I really think she will recoup some of the expense in fabric doing that.

The chicken turned out really good but got done very late so it became lunch for today. It was delicious!

I know it looks burnt but it was so good and moist! I had it with stuffing and corn...yum!

When I am debt free I will enjoy sitting at home. Then all the fussing at work will be but a memory. I have a relatively young cna coming in to help today and a very old cna that has been working very hard this morning to do as much work as she can so if the other doesn't show up we will have everything done. So that was not productive to involve the supervisor as the irritation continues. Well I had to ask her to put on her happy pants and get busy...luckily one of our residents from the upper floors fell and needed help patching up and that lent a much needed distraction to the afternoon.

This post is going to cover several days here at the crazy factory as I have been at work much more than planned. But praise the Lord God on high I have a job! That makes it easier to pay bills and work on that debt plan. Yes my stress level does go up when there isn't enough to go around but I know my Lord will carry us through if we just follow his word. My problem usually arises when I don't put tithing first. I remember as a small child the testimony of the older couples in our church. Most would tell of lean times and how one half of the couple would claim we better tithe! Or give more! Or attend church more...   Well the occupants of my world are starting to get up for the day so I will close this post and go start breakfast. And decide when I will tackle Christmas removed...

Cleaned up...

And eggs collects, sorted, cleaned and sold

Thanks for stopping by...


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