Winnie the pooh and other childhood favorites and surprise additions to the family..and drama at Wal Mart

Winnie the pooh was a favorite character of mine but not so much the little ones I have now.  It seems they could care less about him or tigger or any of the other characters. So sad to see an era pass on... But they are replaced with Caillou, Daniel Tiger and the Veggie tales for the most part and of course Curios George.

That is ok perhaps their children will be more interested in this type of my excuse to hoard! So I have been reading up on different ways to Declutter a room. I have been very surprised at how much attention is devoted this subject on the web.  At least that means I am not alone! Pack rats unite!!! Seriously though I am very bad at getting rid of stuff

Although I seem to manage to get rid of relationships without much trouble....sad to say.  Or at least that is the way it seems. I have neglected this blog for a few as we have had several family"emergencies"come up. However, while dealing with those I took time to have quiet time and read other blogs. Congratulations to those who posted the advent of new family members!

We however are done expanding the family base...ten is definitely enough.  Of course I must be careful what I say because we had enough before the last four came to us, talk about unplanned! I often said I should write a book, but I never will, no time to sit and write. I mean really most days I can't even find time to blog!

Most days I don't have time to wonder what I used to do with my free time and it wouldn't matter if I could remember because there is no free time these days!

Today was a challenge one of the little ones got up several times during the night really nothing unusual about that, but for some reason it was just a crazy day from the get go. Then to top it off I stopped at a "Neighborhood Market" grocery store Walmart and I gather the things I want to purchase and of course picked up quite a few items that were not on my list, and head to the self serve lane as there no other lanes open. I rang up my items and pull out my checkbook to pay and the girl monitoring the self serve registers came over and not very politely stated these registers do not accept checks. Now I have shopped at this store many times and the registers that only take cash or cards have always had signs on them. This one did not have a sign. I pointed that out and she said none of the self serve registers take checks. I left my purchases and thanked her for saving me $34.94 and went to the dollar store to get the three things I originally went in wal mart for minus one thing, a porcelain scrub stick. Which I discovered is a pumice stone that I can pick up at the dollar tree next time I go.

Yay! Money saved and I boycotted this mini Wal Mart for six months because of another rude employee once before... here we go again.. only maybe all Wal Marts for a while.


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