Good bye 2015, I am not sure if I will miss you...

It is the last day of 2015. I can't recall any year in the past that I have had new years eve off, much less new years day to boot! I need to get my list of goals written down and my plan of attack in place.

One goal was to have all our laundry caught up by the first day off the new year. I am currently about for loads away from that goal. Another was to have the kitchen organized and all the containers matched with lids and took get rid of any without matching parts. Sorry to say that goal is still waiting to be fulfilled. Other things like meal planning and making sure all bills are caught up and paid on time will be a continual effort through the year.

Patience is something else that I could use more of. As PJ comes off her medication I can see that she does need help settling down....and focusing.we had stopped the medication after she had been on a new herbal product that seemed to be working, however this morning...she Has been throwing herself around, screaming, repeating phrases such as mommy, mommy in angry tone as if I haven't answered her, also she has had extremes in mood, giggling uncontrollably then angry over nothing visible to us. So after talking with her autism pcp we have decided to go back on the original med at a much lower dose and watch behavior.

One of my long term goals is to lose two pounds each month in the hopes to get thinner and healthier by this time next year. As I do this I am sure my hip pain will be decreased as well as possibly my foot pain. I do say possibly because that has been around since my army days and I do not have as high a hopes of it fading. Plus being in that head on collision two years ago does not help.

Well here's to a happy new year!


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