Second and third day of the new year...or failing at resolutions quickly!

Second day and two resolutions already broken...Well it could be worse I suppose. I could have broken every resolution and just gave up...But no I shall try again tomorrow. And so far Today the only one I broke was not getting dinner into crockpot. I have started researching Projects for birthdays for the children and grandchildren. In fact I found a pattern for slippers and started them but little miss ran off with my directions last night...and then unexpected company showed up and then it was time for bed...and then work this morning.  But all is well the girls are playing at number 6's house so I could have time to myself but apparently that is not DH plan for my new found free time.

Well the girls had a wonderful time at Gigi's house. She got a new bouncy house and they got to play in it. That made their day. And I enjoYed not making dinner for them.
Then it was time to settle in for bedtime that took longer than usual as they took a cat nap on the way home. But settle in they did...eventually. So the beginning or end of the week has arrived and so to the failure of yet another resolution.

But I will start again tomorrow and figure out how to get through one day at a time.


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