That Friday Feeling!!

Friday!! For the most part anyway. Crockpot lasagna is on the menu for dinner. So the milk is turning to cottage cheese as I type. Actually, DD is learning how to do it, she has an experienced coach typing away as she monitors the temp of the milk...oops she abandoned the stove! So I had to stir until it reached temp. Oh sure now she is back and ready to stir! Now we are in the waiting phase.. and she is getting grossed out by the lumps LOL! Wait until we get to the break up the curds stage, she will really get grossed out. Now to fill the crock pot with all the goodies and go to work! All done! Now the day is done and so is the lasagna! Not one little would eat it... Oh well not all is lost there are still two adult males that need to eat. So that all said I better slice the French bread and broil some cheese on to it. Then get to bed early because tomorrow is my real Friday. There will be plenty to do and very little time to do it in. There is a school project due on Mond...