Frank LLoyd Wright...

Today I ventured out and looked at a "fixer-upper". I think in comparison my burn site would be less work!  The foundation was damaged and it was probably my imagination, but it felt as though the floor moved as you walked. Not good for a house on a hill, IMHO. Not to mention it appears to have had squatters on the property at some point. Pictures on the realty site were wonderful! Real life was very different. It did give me ideas for design I would like to see in my own home.... some day.

In the meantime, we are having fun cohabitating with family! Meals are very different in the city... they have an electric stove :( I am used to propane even though I grew up with an electric stove so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.. or so one would think. But I am relearning how to do stuff :) right now I am learning how to sit quietly and not tell DH not to use my little Audi as a truck!
I have only had the little car for a week and he is already abusing it! :( He should have taken his 
Escalade at least it is meant to pretend it is a truck!!!  We are really going to have to talk....

This past week I decided to buy a new crochet hook so that I could "relax".  It seems pointless to try to relax when so much needs to be done. But try I did and not much got done. I guess I don't enjoy crocheting as much as I used too. I don't enjoy shopping as much as I used to either. It was so much of a chore to go buy a new purse when mine broke that I sent my daughter and instructed her to just buy me a backpack. I did have a preference of which backpack that I preferred, alas , I couldn't bring myself to spend $25 on it (so that is why I sent her). I knew she wouldn't think twice since for years she only bought a purse if it was a "coach" brand. To this day I don't know how we are related, but we are :)
My broken purse as it sits sadly on her dining table.... I made this thing about ten years ago... surprised it lasted as long as it did. Well on to other details of living, dinner is done and there isn't anyone home to eat it. I think I should be studying instead of "blogging" lol!

DH went out to the trailer today to find it frozen and the battery dead. It will take a while to charge it up with the generator and then close it up again. He will be late for dinner and the kids are on their way here from an outing at chuck E cheese's. It was nice to have a few minutes with just the four-legged kids. Although they can be pretty needy too.

Good night world ...


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