8 Days a Week cont...

What an afternoon! I discovered that the electric stove has a weird burner that has two settings.. large and small. That is why the knob turns two different ways. Left is the large setting and right is the smaller setting. Now you know what I discovered on my own after my breakfast was cooked, served, eaten and last but not least cleaned up!

After not finding my phone I decided that going into work for a phone was not worth what would happen as a result. I would be stuck endlessly and I am not doing that. Not today anyway, just not happening. I am only complaining because Monday was a 24hour day at work. Only to return on Tuesday less than 8 hours after leaving to do another 8.5 hours and then Wednesday turned into a 16 hour day.  By golly I needed a day off!

Forgot to make a list before I went out so of course things were forgotten. Important things, like milk. So when dear daughter got home and I was in the middle of cooking I realized.. we need milk. So off to the store for DD. I am glad she went because she bought ice cream cookies! All of the yumminess... none of the guilt! As long as you don't count the calories!! These were half the calories of what I was going to eat! (I wanted two but ate only one that equals half)

Well it is time to leave for an unexpected school program.. so off we go!


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