Yay!! A snow day for the littles!

At 2am the snow was falling softly. I found it quite uplifting for reasons that I don't understand. I mean really I have to drive to work in this stuff, the dogs will get the floor soaking wet and muddy by running through it, the kids will want to go out and play in it (for five minutes after 20 minutes of bundling up) or they will want to jump on the trampoline. That's where the danger is, slippery, wet and oh so much fun!!!! Snow does make the world so fresh and clean looking.

It also begs me to call off and just enjoy the day.  But not quite yet, I want to build a little rainy day fund before I commit to retirement.  So after the next load goes into the dryer I will dress and leave for work. This is a daring idea because it leaves DH to mind both the two and four legged children for several hours. My daughter and her family have gone on a retreat for their anniversary and left us to mind the house....silly kids. Or perhaps silly me.

I do feel like if they mess the house up she will be very upset or her hubby will be.. As it gets closer to time to leave I get even more skidish about the mess idea. Now had we been at my other daughter's home it wouldn't be a horrible offense, but the tweens would go crazy with the littles after 12 hours of non-stop visitation. The search for something to live in while the building takes place will continue. 

One of my Resident's has a niece, who also happens to have been a former co-worker, who is thinking of selling her home and it is on 10 acres northeast of where we are at now. Might try to look at it this week. It is not on the market yet, so it might be a good place to start.

Well, the laundry is changed out and it is more than time to leave... perhaps I'll get to add more this evening.

Evening it is and what a day! Never left my desk except to run to the pharmacy, pick up someone off of the floor and manage an Alzheimer's patient who's spouse was admitted to the hospital. Missed the birthday party for a co-worker, also forgot to bring fried chicken for that event too, but he forgave me. Or at least I figure he did. He is too young to pick on an old lady lol. Weather update more snow to go along with that of the morning = 2 hour delay for tomorrow for the littles! Wonder where that leaves me? Still checking by nine I'm sure. Oh well I best close and get to bed so I can get up and fight the traffic.


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