What in the world would I do if the craziness of work were gone?  Sometimes I dream that I will relax and not worry about things... then I wake up. After spending close to 14 hours there one day this week (and today is only Wednesday) I realized that the last, really hard-to-deal with resident was gone on an M1 hold. That should make life at work somewhat quieter. Although I missed the first day of her absence the second was blissful! Life is good! There is some good news on the horizon. The asbestos test came back negative so the results were sent to the state and soon we should be able to get a permit for demolition.

In the mean time there is a travel trailer on the property to hang out in while the demo takes place.

All the comforts of claustrophobia in the bedroom!

a sofa that can be made into a bed for extra company lol

A place to install a television... because heaven knows there is time to watch that!

A nice little dining area for dinner and board games!

the kitchen area and a big first aid kit!

If the kids play in that front yard ... we will need a bigger first aid kit!

Hallway to the bathroom and the kids bunks... and the refrigerator on the left...

 The kids bunks above and the bathroom below

 Shower area.. or giant turtle tank :)

Below is the front of the "house"

Life is about to get really interesting! This tiny travel trailer has a nice layout for one or two so it will be interesting to see how we all fit into closer quarters than we are in now. :)

Today the burnt willow tree was torn out of the ground in order to get the "house" closer to the septic tank. There are a few more trees and lots of metal to move in order to get it situated better to take advantage of the sunrise and sunset. Currently it sits east to west. Or broadside to the north winds, once it is able to be moved to a north/south position we can take advantage of the morning warmth in the kitchen area and the view of the peak as the sun sets from the kitchen table or the couch.

Tomorrow we can try to move the two trampolines that were affected by the burn. It will be some time before we can stay on the land but it should be okay for visits with at least a shelter area for the humans.

In the mean time I still looking at other houses, if for nothing than design styles for a rebuild.


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