8 Days a Week...

Good morning! Or at least I think it is morning... It might be later than I think but nonetheless I am making breakfast. Then I am   going to go out to my car and hope my phone is there.  Because it isn't here... and if it isn't there then it is at work.

I made a discovery this morning and I am quite proud of myself. In a previous post I mentioned having to transition from a propane stove to an electric one and the challenge of it. Bacon was in the forecast this morning and feeling up to the challenge I ventured into the kitchen to start cooking the meal.  After getting the center of the meat cooked and the edges still raw, I took scissors and cut it up into smaller pieces.  The center of the pan was doing it's job while the edges seemed "asleep". Figuring the problem was me I did what seemed logical.  As I finished up the eggs and toast and prepared my plate I took a good look at the burners of the stove. Yep, the two in front have big circles and the two in the back have small circles.

So why in the world do I have such trouble? Stay tuned... for the next enlightening saga.....


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