Pasty Butt...yes it is a real thing

This is a real and undesireable thing for little chicks. It must be cleaned off or they will die. They may die even if it is cleaned off. Such is the case for us. While six little chicks required attention and all six seemed ok when put back into the brooding pen. An hour later we had lost one. That brought the total to three lost chicks and one lost turkey. Not fun at all. In other news the birthday party was fun but the park was very crowded and there were no pictures of the festivities taken by me. We left after the pinata event as it was clear that the oldest was exhausted. We were home 10 minutes before she was asleep. I got busy tending to baby chicks separating the bigger poultry from the smaller and cleaning butts. I also got busy cleaning the laundry room as it quickly becomes the catch all room. Still working on getting the sewing room things to the basement so there are still tons of things strewn about. I am hoping to be finished with the transfer of "stuff" by ...