Bargaining... okay bribing

 There is a fine line between a bargain and a bribe. Yes we employ both in order to get compliance with school work. Both kiddos resist, at least first. The youngest is the most resistive, so it's bribing with her. It must be a really good bribe to work. Hopefully this isn't going to last forever. The oldest is excited to get to go to enrichment at the local school. I wish I were as excited. 

Well, we had a fail this morning. The oldest wants to spend the night with a friend. The bargain was do one whole section in math. She started happily, but the sections got harder. She has 2.5 sections to go and wants to do them on her return from the friends house tomorrow.  It is time to transition to bribe or give in or just give her a break. She has been at it for an hour. So we will try a break.

It worked! She finally, on her own, finished after a break! Next was to force the youngest to do some math! That started off rough but within 3 minutes we were done with one section.

So off to the grocery store for me while the oldest one gets ready to go to a friend's for the night.

On return from a less than invigorating run to the stores, I unloaded all that had been purchased into the designated shelves. It just doesn't seem like you get very much for your time and money. I did go for some convenience foods this time, but there were few to be had. That's okay but I am about to take care of the youngest grandchild for a month while mom works and auntie is in California. I think I am going to need convenience foods! There wasn't even a package of ramen on the shelves!

Something must be going on in the real world and I'm going to be the last to know about it. Which isn't really unusual but it would be nice to be prepared. I asked DH to run the oldest to her sleepover so the youngest and I could hang together.

We took "baby" for an evening walk

With the sun in the western sky we called it a day and went inside.
This morning came too early and after all that shopping yesterday I forgot to get a birthday gift for the party today. I checked the gift closet and there isn't anything age appropriate... so I guess we are shopping after church and on our way to the event.

That's it for today! Maybe after the party there might be something interesting to share!

When things go back to normal and auntie returns, gramma is going back to work even if it is only as a door greeter at Walmart!


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