
 It's that time of year! Who can resist a baby chick?! Much less 36!

This is my favorite time of spring! Believe it or not these little fuzz butts have such personality! Not to mention the little turkey poults...
I mean really, is that not the cutest?!?!

What about these four? The kids have already named them.
The first four are Ellie, Emma, Sunny and Jamie
The bottom four are Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas and Sunday

Yes those names can be a bit foreshadowing, but they have purpose!
Wait, until you hear all the ducklings' names... Yes I did say ducklings!
This is Chip, Elizabeth, Chomper and Lucky

In this group is Raisin, Chocolate, Pudding and Butterscotch.

I am guessing that Lucky will be spared from any dining room experiences. The rest is up in the air. As for the 36 new chicks... that will take more time to choose their names than we had today. 

The youngest child had just finished her covid testing for an upcoming procedure when we learned that the feed store had a shipment of poultry in. The squeals of delight from the backseat of the van from the thought of getting one chick she could name were out of this world. The sheer delight when she saw 36 chicks and 8 ducklings and 8 poults was incredible! She started rattling off names faster than I could register them in my brain.

This will be their temporary home. In the basement away from curious dogs and children. The little dogs are okay they cannot jump high enough to reach them; the bigs dogs are a different story.


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