A fence is a fence... a horse is a horse... a test is a test

  Today I went out to work on our fence, a job forbidden by DH, not sure why. Again, I cannot find the correct star bit for the screws. I thought that I had it a month ago when it was too cold to work on it. Yet today, while he is gone to get things for the new poultry, I cannot find it any where. I tried one star bit but it is too big and another is more of a square than a star. 

This fence will get done.  I am determined that the boards on it will be at least anchored top and bottom by Easter. I may have to go and buy a bit to get it done. There are many projects that must be done around here before Spring. I need a dog fence first and foremost and an outside dog house. Also, an enclosure for the chickens, turkeys and ducklings. I have a little time on that.

The pallets that I wanted for the dog house have been gathered and now I have to "assemble" them. Again I need a bit for the screws that I have. Tomorrow should be very warm and building is high on the list of to do's. Photography is not. Just need to make that clear for some readers, who may expect pictures. Now pictures of the construction will be attempted, but that's all. 

More on the projects later. For now it was a Friday night sleepover for my grand dog; I wasn't sure she would make it through the night. She isn't sick, but she has not been over in quite some time so the dogs were less than friendly when she arrived. This morning they are like long lost buddies. Barking at the neighbors who take an early morning walk every day.

Bruno and Bella (she has white dot on nose area)

Tommy and Scarlet and Elsa

The baby chicks and other poultry have survived their first night and are ready for a litter change and fresh food and water. I am still sipping coffee and enjoying the quiet that having only 2 kiddos, 5 dogs, and 62 live poultry in your basement can provide.




Friends and Family


Last but not least the photographer!

Some kids will do anything to help! And to get a horse! She loves animals!

On with our day, there is breakfast to have and soon I need to research testing for these kiddos so I can provide it to the district at the end of the year. I am going to check out https://homeschoolboss.com/ I have heard that they are pretty good and go into great detail with results.
That's all for now!


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