Nothing new, nothing old... unless you count the parents.

Good Morning! Today is going to be great! I feel it right down to my bones! Okay maybe that is just arthritis. Yesterday, I emptied the closet in the guest/sewing room. Now the 10 year-old can hang her clothes up in her closet and leave the "family closet". What is a family closet you ask? It is where all the the clothes for everyone are hung. This way we know what every one has and what fits and what needs to be replaced. 

Young miss would like to keep track of her own clothes she thinks. It is not a bad thing. She is less likely to play the "100 layer" challenge that the younger one likes to play with the granddaughter. So I emptied the closet to give her the chance to take care of her own things. I so should take a picture as it may be the last time it is clean.

Yesterday I did get several loads of things to the basement for sorting and storage for the next several months. I still plan to have my sewing machines up on the first floor for a while. Just all the excess things are going downstairs until I can figure out where my long term sewing area will be. There are quite a few more trips to be made. Then I will start planting seeds for the garden.

Our craft for Dr. Suess day was fun!

Even the littlest was able to participate, just not with paint! The girls had a great time and we were able to squeeze in some game time too. 

The girls needed some incentive to complete more of their math work. So for each section they complete they can earn robux to spend in their video game "adopt me". This little treat prompted the youngest of mine to do three sections! I look forward to much more tomorrow!


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