What does it take?

I currently get up between 0400 and 0530 and still the youngest is awake before me. Early morning is my refuel time, my blogging time,  my devotion time, okay let's just say it... my time! I am currently being forced to enjoy it with a small child who at 0415, is already in overdrive!

Luckily she is in bed by 8pm most nights, but still by then I am ready to drop in my tracks also. We have our read aloud time and card games after dinner and just before bed. She is too tired most nights to participate. Read aloud time puts her right to sleep. 

Still the day goes on and even though yesterday seemed to start so perfect not all that looks like a rose, smells like a rose. It is 100% on me and my attitude to make the day. Now to find that thin line between exhausted and breathing.

Also, the search for today is this mate to this little earring. Now it should be easy to find, unless it has been consumed by some really chew-happy dogs. Of course we have more than our share of those.

The tablets are going into storage tonight and the tears will flow tomorrow. However they won't flow until after the first early morning appointment. That is scheduled for 0800. It is for the youngest and that is the one who would be the most affected by a loss of technology. Life is going to really hard for her...Especially since bath time is as soon as she awakens...

I hear the pitter patter of 8 year-old feet... time to close for this morning.

It is the afternoon and most of the appointments are over and we are home out of the snow storm that is going on in town.
In town
The view out our back door
And last but not least the little preemie in our family cried her first audible cry last night and her mommy shared it with the family

She is 4 and a half months now and 9 pounds she saved that cry for mommy at their home.


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