Oh what a nig... week!!!
This has been a whole month in one week! Our friends came to visit, their car broke down on the way, her kiddos started in person school and it closed the first day for snow. Now my kiddos really want to do in person school... or so they say. It reminds me of the school board members somewhere here in the states, that were over heard saying something like they just want their free babysitting back in reference to the parents who want the schools reopened. Well "duh" of course we did!
I say did because I really did and sometimes still do. Technically it wasn't free as it comes with a hefty tax tag on each of our properties. The bigger price tag is what we lose as parents when we surrender control to the system. I do know that at some point I may have to send them back for whatever reason, but deep down it will be for "babysitting". Yes I feel they do learn a lot and the teachers do their best for the most part. But the power that the NEA has over what our children are taught is scary.
The "Equality Act" is going to give them even more power, power to squelch what myself as a parent have taught my kiddos is not normal. I am sorry it is not normal to embrace transgender as normal. Even less to teach to kindergardners through story time. I do not want my child going to a school where boys can use the girls bathroom and girls can use the boys bathroom. Or even where they can play on whatever sports team they want "if they identify" with that gender. If you want co-ed sports then have them!
Don't even get me started on "Johnny has two mommies"! There are millions of divorced families that co-parent. There are millions of kids that have two mommies and/or two daddies. It is not normal to indoctrinate children to believe that it is normal to have two of one gender and none of the other. Those are reasons I will keep these kids at home as long as I possibly can. Yes I guess I am prejudice. These things exist, I understand that. I do not want to live like I am in Soddom or Gomorrah, things did not go well for them.
I can accept that we live in a country that allows free choice, I cannot accept that the government will decide when our families will learn of these perversions of human nature. Where is the free choice in that? Hopefully there will be a provision for parents to opt in or out.😡
In the mean time I am on a phone free diet. In other words when we started rearranging the house, I set it down, I will find it eventually. During this time of spring cleaning and giving the 10 year-old her own room I can only get so much done I one day. Who knew there would be so much spring cleaning when we have only been here 7 months!
Once I find a place for my crafts I might feel more settled. I am excited for the change of season and warmer weather. The sooner the big dogs can be outside more of the day the better for me.
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