All nighters are not for the faint of heart...thi

 After an exhausting trip to the Neurologist and implementing the changes that were agreed upon, we experienced an "all nighter". Literally, Kim voiced several times throughout the day that she didn't like any of the changes that were made. Her delusional state and inability to stay in bed or her recliner made for a very long night, for both of us. She has had sleep attacks after every dose of meds since arriving.

It has been a roller coaster ride since! The mistrust that has developed and the delusions that go with it are a force to be reckoned. Tonight, is almost one week since the roller coaster ride began. I am tired I am so blessed that the kids were happy with a quick trip to Walmart and Dollar Tree for outings on their break. They received a gift card to spend at the store and that made their day! They were just happy to get out with just me and do a little shopping.

Things have been a little one-sided until Saturday night then the reinforcement fell asleep on the job!

This little one has had a trip to Children's to figure out why she is sick. No answers just oxygen for sleep time. The last two weeks have been a whirl wind of dementia related behavior and drama. To include Thanksgiving being too much for SIL. We ended up just going to the designated home and picking up food to bring back to her and DH. The kids and I stayed and visited for about 2 hours.

After packing up some food to go I realized this was the most peaceful time that I have had in weeks, maybe years. I informed my daughter that I would indeed take an adult beverage to go to enjoy once everyone else was in bed. It made me realize just how chaotic life had become. On the way home a crazy driver veered into our lane, causing us to have to leave the road to avoid being hit head on. So much for peaceful.

After unloading the food, I decided to go back outside and retrieve the "adult beverage" that I had opted to have. Once outside, I noticed one chicken left in the duck pen. As a gesture of kindness to DH I went in and caught her. As I attempted to return to a standing position I heard and felt a "pop" in my left foot. The pain that accompanied it was nothing short of excruciating. I hobbled to the house to get a pair of crutches. All the way being scolded by DH for bothering with the chicken. My mind returned to my original mission... retrieval of my beverage. I could not do that under the watchful eye of DH.

I waited a bit before deciding that the ER was the way to go. Unable to enjoy my contraband, I stopped by my daughter's home and returned the evidence of my wayward thoughts on her doorstep. I waited 2 hours and 45 minutes before deciding I was definitely going in. So, a hairline fracture and a possible snapped tendon later, I returned home to pretty much the same chaos that I had left a few hours earlier.

That night it was up to DH to do all night time duties. He was gruff, he did not appreciate the finer points of being awakened multiple times. By morning SIL had packed her bag, found her truck key, alerted the children that she was leaving and they had better get into the truck if they were going with her. The 11year old wanted to know where they were going SIL had no answer so she declined to go with her.  

SIL got out the door and down the dirt hill to the vehicles before I could catch her. It was cold and she was under dressed so returning to the house was an answer for her. Another day in dementia land for me.


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