Cleansing Sunday

This past week has been an "Off" week for my SIL. That means basically we stayed home and "managed" symptoms. During an "Off" swing she is not able to do much safely. That includes walking, toileting or eating. The risk of falling increases greatly, choking and incontinence become the norm for a time. Also, hallucinations or delusions rule the world during this time.

Likewise, when she is "On" things go incredibly smooth. Sure there is still a little dementia that seeps through, but every day tasks are completed with little fuss. Today was another day where things started to go back to the "new normal". Perhaps this week will be smooth sailing.
Even with the setbacks this week baking got done.
Warm fresh bread has no comparison!

I even tried my hand at English muffins

Things got delayed when SIL woke up so a few are a bit well done! 
Baking was a great distraction when SIL was in "Off" mode and the baby was in the hospital. Baby is out now and does not approve of the oxygen she was given!

Pictures can tell a better story than words... probably why she doesn't speak much...

Today being the beginning of better days for SIL and PD I thought I would make some homemade chicken nuggets for lunch. While I was waiting on the oven and listening to church online... Fed ex arrived!
These were quite yummy!

I used the last English muffin and some homemade bread for the crumbs. 

My friend Ann in Kansas sent this to me

By the time I opened the box the kids were home.
The youngest kiddo was thrilled as we had lost the one we had in the fire. It was a beautiful handmade manger scene and the kids really enjoyed it. It was handmade by Ann's father when she was little.

The thoughtfulness of the gesture brought tears that I didn't know I had. I could not stop crying and even as I write this I am fighting back the tears. I lost her heirloom in my house fire and she thought to buy me a new one. I think this is one of the first times I have cried since losing the house. Perhaps that is why I couldn't control the tears... Perhaps.


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