Home is not just where you hang your hat...
Another long night followed by a day of rest and restlessness. SIL wants to go home to Montana to visit. She is of the mind that it will help with all the confusion she is experiencing. Her niece, who was her caregiver before the break with reality, is willing to have her visit. My only concern is for her return. Will she cooperate? Probably not. I think we will cross that bridge when it comes.
The bridge collapsed before dinner was served. It is what it is. I think it would be good if it were a short trip. No bother it is off for the time being. Today was the most alert I have seen her, well during the evening hours anyway. I wonder what the night will bring...
It was another all-nighter. She is having the hardest time with sleep it eludes her all night. Perhaps she will sleep the day away and then again most likely not. The trouble with most of this is that I feel I have failed her. I cannot say how or why but there is empty silence between.
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