Dear Blog

 This week has been full of surprises. Not all of them were welcome, but that is the fabric of life. When you get news that is not desired what can you do? Yes, that question is rhetorical. Many things are in the balance of the awaited information. Does life stand still and let you linger? Sadly, no it does not. Yet, how much can you do when you don't know what is next?

I requested training at my new job for the shift they requested that I pick up for the month of September. I enjoyed the training, and the work is nonstop. That makes it hard to visit with SIL at any time during the shift. And because I had worked 7 hours the night before and had no nap before going to this shift, I was too tired afterward to spend time with her. Sadly, I was supposed to go put her to bed tonight and I did not get back from the adventure with the kids in time.

Originally, we had planned for the whole family to travel to Pueblo to go see "Doc", one of the 7 dwarfs. Because my car acted up on the way home from work, DH stayed home to work on the car, and we traveled in the party van. It was cool to see a bit of working history. We did not secure seats to fly, maybe next time. Most of the way the youngest complained but she did get excited to see the big bird fly.

Working an overnight shift definitely takes a toll on these old bones. In fact, this morning we had an early morning appointment, and it was a tough morning to say the least. With that and all the other things going on in my life, I am not sure I am cut out for the nightshift anymore. The years of doing it with ease and even going on to another job right after are gone.

I dressed my kid in a short with hole in it... not a little hole either. The fact that I didn't notice it until we got to the doctor's appointment didn't help the situation. I could not take her to school looking like that. A trip to Wal-Mart to get some shirts and some matching socks because wearing a no show and an ankle length looks like your mom dresses you funny. We also had to order new glasses for her and set up future appointments.

So, dear blog, I need to rethink my strategies. And I need to bake cookies tonight. Working nights is not as fun as it used to be. Yep, need to rethink those strategies, because the hat does not lie.


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