Morning fog and so begins Fall...


Fog to the east

fog to the west

It is apple picking season in a lot of the country. Not my yard in particular but, somewhere the apples are getting ready. I woke up a bit early but laid in bed trying to sort the tasks of the day. I have an audit, the NP visits the facility today, I have paperwork to gather and many other tasks to add to my list. Now for the second time this morning one of my dogs has climbed the fence to freedom. I thought I was doing good with my plan, one dog at a time in the yard as they won't leave the yard without a buddy. The fence climber was first. Then I called her in, and all the dogs were inside the pen, until she got the notion to climb the fence. Fair enough, I let her run a bit more. 

Once she was back in the house, I slipped the plastic cover into the doggie door entrance to eliminate the possibility of her leaving while the biggest dog got his turn. Feeling quite slick in my insight to keeping her secure I went about my task of changing out the laundry. I heard the little dogs whimpering in the dining room. I didn't think anything of it as when the big dogs are outside alone, they tend to hang about the fence for the dog yard. They really don't like being alone in the yard. (Ahem... yes those are my "guard" dogs) As I exited the laundry room, I saw Miss Bella climbing over the dog pen fence! She managed to lift the plastic guard with her nose I suppose and let herself out!! 

escape hatch
items covering the last "dig-out"

I think I should pull out the shock collars and try that next. I am not going to chase her and him this morning. I have things to do. I can help but think how smart she is, to figure out that she could get out the little door and then climb the fence to get where she wanted to be. If they would just stay in our yard, it would be okay but together, they don't.

Well time is slipping away quickly this morning so I must close for now.


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